Erfahrungsberichte - Irland

Austauschorganisation IHF

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Erfahrungsberichte - Irland

Reisebericht von Amira

Gastland: Irland Austauschjahr: 2019/20

My time here in Ireland is now nearly over. Even though in the beginning I struggled with getting in contact with the Irish students, the Irish Host Family helped me with my problems. I really enjoyed going to an Irish school. I will miss Ireland and especially my lovely host family so much when I'm back home. I always enjoyed the group days once a month, they were great to see different areas of Ireland.

Reisebericht von Jakob

Gastland: Irland Austauschjahr: 2019/20

My time in Ireland was probably the best time of my life. I learned a lot, my English improved and I matured. The school and my host family helped me a lot and I got more and more independent throughout the six months. The trips with the organisation were very delightful and i made many friends. I would definitely recommend everyone to go abroad and I’m very sad that the stay is already over.

Reisebericht von Anna

Gastland: Irland Austauschjahr: 2019/20

At the 31/08/2019 I left my home in Germany and went to Ireland for 5 months. Now I have less than one week left and I can say that these 5 months were maybe the best of my life. The time went by so fast, but I have also the feeling that I live here since forever. My host family is so lovely, I can talk with them about everything and I felt so comfortable the whole time I was here. I am really glad that I had host sisters in my age, because they go to my school as well so they can help me with everything. The village where I stayed (Ballyheigue) is very small but so nice, because it’s at the beach so I just have to walk like 5 inutes to get there. For the 5 months I was here I went to the Causeway Comprehensive School, I went there every morning by bus. My subjects were maths, english, dcg, engineering, art, music, physical education, religious education and lcvp. In the beginning a few subjects were hard to understand, but after a few weeks I could follow the classes without any problems. The teachers were nice and also the other students from my year. In my school there were 8 other exchange students, that wasn’t so nice, not because I didn’t like them, but we didn’t have so much contact to the irish students in the beginning, we had kind of our own group then. Unfortunately I couldn’t participate in all of the group days of my organisation, but the ones I went to were nice. For example when we went to Dingle all together, we had much time to discover the city by our own. I was also glad that Irish host family organised so many things for me before I came here, for example the bus ticket and the school uniform. And when Antoinette came at the second day to my school it was very helpful because she kind of helped me to settle in into the school. One idea for improvement would be to organise a meeting for all the students who go to Ireland before they come here, I heard from other students from other organisations that it was really nice to meet the others already before. About the question if I would stay longer if I could, I’d answer with yes. I mean I already stay one month longer then I actually should, but if I could I would stay at least 6 months or a whole year. In the last weeks I started to get good friends with also the irish people and I have the feeling to really get to know them now. I think I would recommend Irish host family to my family/friends, because I really like what they do for the exchange students and also because I didn’t feel like just one exchange student from many others.